LAA Record Claim Information

Please note: AGB state the age group changes on 1st January. So, if a junior is 15 when they shoot their record but their 16th birthday is 13th November, they are deemed to be an under 18 all year. Likewise, a 49 year old is deemed to be a 50+ archer as they will turn 50 during the year.

LAA County Records: Claiming A Record

Qualifying Events

To qualify as an LAA county record, the score for a particular round must have been shot at an event officiated by judges:

  • Open shoot

  • County championship

  • County match

  • National or International Tournament

Club day events do not qualify in Lancashire, although other counties may (and do) have different rules.


Certificates are awarded for county records. These are usually given out at the LAA Indoor Championships in November.

To Claim Outdoor, Indoor & Clout County Records, both Senior & Junior: contact Mark (Note that there are some potential county records that are not listed, this is most likely with the junior records as there are so many possible rounds available.)

Info Required

When claiming an LAA County Record please provide:

  • Archer's name

  • Lady, Gent, Girl/Junior Lady, Boy/Junior Gent

    • For juniors please give the age AND the age range for the record. For example: Age 15, Under 16 record claimed* (see below)

  • Bow Type: Recurve/Compound/Longbow/Barebow only

  • Club

  • Round shot:

    • For clout always include the distance and 'one/two way' info.

    • Please try and give the official name for the round. (There are some obscure junior metric rounds.)

  • Where the round was shot and/or the name of the tournament

  • Date

  • Score

  • For tournaments outside Lancashire please attach an electronic copy of the tournament results sheet or the web address of where the results can be found.

* It is only possible to claim for the current age range. An archer, age 15, can claim the Under 16 record but they cannot also claim the Under 18 record. This rule is made for practical purposes and so stop an archer claiming multiple record certificates at the same time.

However, a junior CAN claim both a junior record AND the senior record at the same time. In 2018, Heather Hughes shot 628 for the WA 720 70M round, which was both the under 18 record and the senior record.

50+ Records

UPDATE (Aug 2024): Over 50 records can be claimed for ALL rounds: Outdoor, Indoor, Field & Clout.

2017/2024: New Rules for Double Shoots

Last year we received clarification from AGB that the rules for a Double 70 metre (WA720) were going to fall into line with World Archery/FITA, such that:

If an archer shoots a UK Record on the second round of a Double 70 metre or Double 50 metre, even when the second round was preceded by practice, the record can be claimed and it will be ratified.

This logic has now been extended to imperial double shoots such as the Double Portsmouth and the various Double Clout rounds.

This matter was discussed at the January 2017 NCAS meeting, where the NCAS Sec., Ann Shepherd, was charged with obtaining a clarification from AGB/GNAS.

LAA received the following email from Ann Shepherd [February 2017]:

Following the discussion at the last NCAS meeting regarding the new sighter rule and UK record claims, I emailed Karen Hodgkiss at the GNAS/AGB office to ask how this is to work with regard to the shooting of second rounds on the same day.

Karen sent the following:

'Previously anyone claiming an imperial record could only claim the 1st round of the day. This new rule means that either the 1st or 2nd round can be claimed as a single record.

'Double rounds can be claimed providing they are shot at the same venue on the same day therefore I would ratify a claim for a single Portsmouth when a double Portsmouth was shot and the "2nd" round is being claimed.

'As far as I know we're not archiving [back-dating] records so any [new] imperial record claims are ratified based on this new rule.'

Karen's answer seems very straightforward in that a new record can now be claimed on a 2nd round shot as part of a Double on the same day. Obviously doesn't just apply to the Portsmouth, this is only given as an example.)

The last sentence is in answer to my query regarding extra sighters being an advantage, especially in Clout, for the 2nd rounds.

It seems, from Karen's reply, that future Records are just being granted for exceeding current scores and it is not the case that a whole new set of records will be started because of the rule change.

Hope this clears things up.

Regards Ann Ann Shepherd Hon. Secretary Northern Counties Archery Society

Writing in 2017:

Our (LAA’s) understanding is that this applies to all of the shoots listed below, and afternoon practice/sighters is/should always be always allowed.

Writing in 2024:

The situation has changed, [I think with the growing popularity of Double WA 720 rounds]. These rounds are now routinely shot without sighters/practice in the afternoon. If an archer were to have practice in the afternoon they would still be able to claim a single WA 720 County Record, but NOT the Double WA 720 County Record.

Double WA 18
Double WA 25
Combined WA 25/18
Double Portsmouth
Double Worcester

Double WA 720 50 Metre
Double WA 720 Compound 50 Metre
Double WA 720 60 Metre
Double WA 720 70 Metre
Double American

The exception is Clout where afternoon sighters ARE allowed.

Double GNAS Clout (one way & two way)
Double Metric Clout

LAA County Records will follow the same rules as AGB/GNAS. We suggest that tournament organisers & club records officers follow suit.