Contact Us

If you wish to contact the LAA Hon. Secretary, please use the form above or email:

Jude Lane: 

Or, if very urgent call: 07 804 645 802

LAA Clubs

It is assumed that clubs will maintain up-to-date contact details on their own websites.


A full and up-to-date list of all Northern Counties officials, many county officials and all NCAS club secretaries is available on request from the NCAS secretary.

This Website

If you are an LAA archer and have any comments about this website, or any text, logos, pictures, links, or anything that you think should be included, please contact Mark Leach on

It is policy that this website should provide links to: LAA Clubs, NCAS & other NCAS Counties, Archery GB/GNAS and to give LAA county information but give as little personal contact information as possible, except where specifically requested for us to do so.